Thursday, November 3, 2016

#PrepWithPurpose: Carlie's Kittens

Hey Friends,

I'm sitting here in Boca Raton, Florida ... about 36 hours from stepping on stage and have a bloated up belly. I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to pack up my stuff and go home. But I'm simply too frustrated to even muster up any tears and at this point trying to have FAITH that it will pass and I'll dial in perfectly.

I've not had a single FODMAP (been trying a low fodmap diet the past few weeks), and I've even cut things out that I haven't cut out before that never seemed to bother me .. but I did it anyway JUST to be safe!! Woke up feeling GREAT!! My body actually did NOT go crazy from flying and I was right where I need to be. I ate meal one .. was fine.  Meal two .. also fine. Then sometime before Meal 3 and ever since ... lower belly and oblique bloat!! There really is NO connection with foods. I was eating all the things that I normally eat that have never seemed to cause me problems before and all are Low FODMAP.  I don't know what to do except PRAY and try to stay calm. While THIS is NOT Celiac Disease related ... stress CAN actually cause Celiac symptoms to pop up. The last thing I need is Celiac stuff to pop up on TOP of whatever the heck this is causing my stomach to expand/bloat :-( I've worked so hard .. all I want to do is step on stage confident and proud. So while I'm here to write about a NEW "person" we are lifting up and for this week... I would really appreciate it if you would lift me up as well. I go on stage 11am and 7pm eastern time this Saturday. I just need my body to cooperate until then!

Moving on .... thanks to everyone that joined me for last weeks PREP WITH PURPOSE as we lifted up and for my father-in-law Ben Hadden. THE PRAYERS WORKED!!!! He did not have to have a stent! Whoo hoo!!!! God is GOOD!

Today I'm featuring a different kind of "person". It's actually .. three .. and none of them are exactly people but they are living little beings that could use some "lifting up" :) This isn't the first time I've featured a fur baby. We lifted up and for one of my friends dogs months ago. Well ... this week we are lifting up and for THREE little kittens that were born into this world without eyelids!

Since it is show day eve .. I only have a very short 20 min circuit workout....that's it!  But today and until I feature someone new ... I'll be praying for these sweet little fur babies.  I will stop to look at everything. I will take it all in. Every color, every angle, every image. I will take note of the clouds, the stars, the sunrise and sunset. I'll look into peoples eyes. I'll be grateful that I'm given eyes to see this beautiful world we are blessed to live in. I hope you join me in doing the same!

PREP WITH PURPOSE: Carlie's Kittens 

My friend Carlie (from back in Nashville) has a heart of gold. She takes in kittens, often bottle feeds them from birth (or close to it) and fosters them until they are well enough to find forever homes. This picture on the left is of her and the Vet we actually used when we lived in Tennessee!

This round of foster kitties are rather unique. They were born without eyelids!! She has spent months working with vets doing everything she can to save their eyes. Two of them (Kramer & Dobie) went in for an experimental surgery this week and the other one (Winky) had to have surgery postponed but will have the procedure next week. The two that had surgery are coned up and doing well... however they won't know if the surgery was a success until they have had some time to heal.

Carlie fosters kittens all the time out of the goodness of her heart and has lots of Nashville area vets that help her out but these little guys are requiring lots of time and money, so she set up a Go Fund Me Page. I can 110% vouch for Carlie and what she does. So if you have the extra money I know Carlie would use it as stated on the page!

CLICK HERE to read more and to DONATE if you can!

Okay .. yes .. this is a rather different Prep With Purpose. I know, I know, we are lifting up and for CATS, lol. But first of all .. they can still can serve as a reminder for us to be GRATEFUL for our abilities (in this case our vision) .. which is part of what PREP WITH PURPOSE is all about.
We are blessed with two eyes in which we can see perfectly. So let's be grateful as we go about our day .. prepping for whatever it is we are prepping for (be it work, a project, the gym, etc.)  Second, let's send up some well wishes and prayers for these furry friends, Carlie and the vets working on them!!


If you know someone that needs lifting up and for (for any urgent or ongoing physical reason) .. please email me at!

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