Wednesday, September 21, 2016

#PrepWithPurpose - #PrayForAries

For backstory on what #PrepWithPurpose is all about please read the blog entry and/or Instagram Post.

Hello Friends,

It's been quite a hectic couple of weeks! I competed in Arizona and immediately came home to house guests, Mr Olympia week and all that comes with that and more house guests - resulting in looooong days and many sleepless nights!! I was so blessed to once again host the backstage interviews at Mr Olympia for the Amazon LIVE Webcast as well as some recorded interviews for Flex Magazine! This is my FAVORITE gig of the year and once again I had a BLAST!!! I also got to sit on the other side of the stage this weekend and judge the Flex Model Search! I think I enjoy being ON that stage MUCH more than at the judges table .. actually I don't think .. I KNOW, lol!

Because of how busy I was ... I did something really different last week. I got up early and trained around 8am instead of 8pm! I also had a training partner several days! I always train at night and I always train alone .. so this was a great mix up for my mind and body! Not too sure I'll keep up with the AM lifts .. but I do think I want to try to find people to workout with on occasion! When I am on Prep I have very structured lifts so lifting WITH someone is not really possible. But I'm taking a few weeks to go off the "workout prep plan" and just do what I want .. what feels good .. change it up .. for a few weeks! All cardio is still out and my endurance lifts have also been cut. So this gives me a few weeks to just go in and TRAIN and try out some splits, workouts, machines, etc., that I've been wanting to try!  And yes ... you read it right. I'm NOT on any kind of OFFICIAL prep for any specific show. I am in the process of having to make a tough decision. Should I hang up my heels and sparkly suit for 2016 or throw in one or two more shows late Fall. I already made the decision to NOT compete anymore in September....or even October (as planned.)

But not "officially" being on "prep" for a show doesn't mean I'm not PREPPING WITH PURPOSE! Everyday I'm prepping .. be it on season, off season, or simply to be healthy! So this project will continue as long as people are sending me requests or I'm finding them! Speaking of .. PLEASE SEND THEM!!! :) :) While I was in the gym last week .. I didn't have a Prep With Purpose .. it sucked! I've not had ANYONE send me anyone and I've honestly not had time to ask people or spend hours searching for one. Now that things have slowed down I went back to begging and searching! Thankfully I found a precious little boy that we can LIFT UP and FOR this week! As I mentioned a couple entries back, I've decided to make these WEEKLY instead of DAILY. Part of the reason is lack of requests .. but also I noticed that people just don't participate everyday .. which means SOME people got lifted up and for and some people did not! This makes it to where you can log on any day .. you have seven .. and lift up and for the person as little or as much as you can that week until a new person is posted!

Prep With Purpose -- Pray For Aries 

I friend of ours shared the Go Fund Me page of little Aries. So I do not know this family and cannot vouch for them. But it sounds like he needs some lifting up and for! So if you feel led to give financially .. do so .. but remember this project is about LIFTING UP!!

Here is the paragraph on his Go Fund Me Page that tells you a little bit about what he is facing and why he needs our help/prayers!

"Aries is a sweet boy, like any other 6 year old boy, except he has neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a rare childhood cancer. Aries was diagnosed with neuroblastoma stage 4 at 2 years old and treated aggressively. 4 years later the cancer is back and untreatable. The tumor is located in an area in which the doctors do not feel comfortable with removing via surgery. Aries is now being treated with radiation for comfort care. His mother, being the kind of woman that she is, asks for nothing but prayers. But we all know how absurd medical bills can be! According to the Journal of Oncology Practice, in 2009, the average cost of pediatric cancer hospitalization in the US is $40,400. Our goal here at Pray for Aries, is simply to provide family and friends with the opportunity to donate if desired. Any donation is sincerely appreciated from the family. #prayforaries"

Aries will be our person for the ENTIRE WEEK! So please remember him every day as you enter the gym or prep for whatever it is you are prepping for this week! Please use him as your motivation .. be grateful YOU ARE ABLE .. and then lift up and for him and his family!


If you have someone you think could be featured for PREP WITH PURPOSE please email me at

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