Wednesday, June 22, 2016

#PrepWithPurpose -- Day Eighteen: Arlie Wolfe

For backstory on what #PrepWithPurpose is all about please read the blog entry and/or Instagram Post.

Hey Friends,

I hope you joined me yesterday as we lifted up (and for) Gene Sullivan. This was such a special request for me considering Gene is my best friends dad. I pushed myself harder than ever in honor of not only both of them .. but all our veterans. If you missed his story .. please read it. Cancer is always heartbreaking ... but when the cause of it seems to be linked back to a time that someone SERVED OUR COUNTRY .. it just makes you even more angry, doesn't it?!

Little side note. I've mentioned before that if you don't believe in God or Prayer .. that is okay! You can still participate and pray to whoever it is you pray to, send good vibes, etc. But what about if you DON'T workout?! I had a friend post they were simply WORKING with purpose in honor of the people that I post. YES, YES, YES!! As I stated early on in my original blog .. if you don't lift/workout .. then just let these people be your motivation to do whatever it is YOU are doing!!! 

Today will be another grueling day for me... both physically and mentally. There are a few days of PRE Peak Week that are especially rough -- but I have an amazing little motivator today! Her name is Arlie. Everything I do today will be in honor of this little fighter. Tiny but mighty ... she's got this! I just know it! #TeamArlie

Prep With Purpose -- Day Eighteen: Arlie Wolfe 

Meet 2 year old Arlie Wolfe. Just a couple of weeks ago was diagnosed with leukemia (Pre B ALL) and is being treated at Children's Hospital in Nashville, Tn. While this is the most common and treatable form of leukemia .. it's still heartbreaking to know this precious little girl has to battle such an ugly disease.

Arlie was scheduled to start chemo on June 14th but had a setback after her liver function was elevated. Her doctors changed the plan and pushed her chemo off a week .... adding more time to her hospital stay. Thankfully her levels improved and they were able to start Chemo yesterday (6/21.) Assuming things go as planned, she will have chemo once a week for the first 6 months and then maintenance treatments once a month for 2 years. It's going to be along journey.

This poor little girl. She was a normal little girl .. playing and active one day and then suddenly is  hooked up to tubes, being poked with needles, sick and fighting for her little life. Her family says she gets agitated/angry at times (can you blame her) and they are obviously worried and heartbroken.

It's the first week of SUMMER and I'm sure Arlie would love to be running and playing outside. So while I am running my sprints and lifting at the gym ... I WILL NOT complain. I will be GRATEFUL for my health and ability!! With every stride/rep I will lift up and for little Arlie!!

The family is posting weekly updates on a FB Page. You can go there to read more and follow her journey! They have also created the hashtag #TeamArlie. Please use it if you post about her so they know you are thinking of them! I also found on the FB page where you can send Arlie an "E Card". Her mom says she LOVES getting them! 

Arlie's parents (Lisa and Derek) are obviously living every parents worst nightmare. Friends have set up a "go fund me" page to help with that there is one less burden they have to face during this horrible time.

I understand that Derek owns a small business in Smyrna and Lisa is a hairdresser near Music Row.  

As I've stated in previous posts that mention Go Fund Me type pages.... I do not know anything about this family or the people posting the funding page. But I want to include it so that if you feel led to donate .. you can!


I hope you are joining me on this prayer journey as I prep for #TeamU on July 1st & 2nd! If you are please post/share and use the hashtag #PrepWithPurpose! Let's get a huge prayer chain going and in the process maybe make the sport of bodybuilding less about "me, me, me" and a little more about helping others! Our motivation doesn't have to come from ONLY ourselves!

If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to

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