Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shoulder to lean on ... (challenge day 9)

Hey Friends,

For the 9th day of this challenge I'm suppose to post a picture of the person who has helped me get through the most.

Without Gods guidance I'd be lost. I've had so many people come in and out of my life, but he's the only consistent one I've always had.

In terms of people here on earth, my cat Gizmo has kept me pretty sane. Seriously,I've had him for 9 years and he's been with me through all my phases of "adulthood". My first "real job" and big girl move away from home, my first marriage, my first divorce (haha). He loves me all the time. Well unless I forget to clean out his litter....then he pees on stuff.

I may not have had many other consistent people in my life (other than a couple family members) but I know who that person will be for the rest of my life.....My sweet man. We've only known each other a few years but it feels as if we've been connected for an eternity.

Grace and Peace to you,

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