MARCH is here... which means it's my birthday month! Go check out my funny meme I posted on Instagram today, lol!
I'm not gonna lie to you. I am having a hard time "embracing" this upcoming birthday in general. I'll be 37 and life has thrown me all kinds of hurdles the past few years. Some days I feel like my best days are behind me. I think it's natural to think those thoughts sometimes, but when I start to get a nasty attitude I always try to SHIFT MY FOCUS. But it can be really hard sometimes .. can't it?
I came up with this idea but wasn't sure what direction to take. Then I found the #30DaySelfLove Challenge online and loved the ideal of "vlogging" the journey and starting each one with I LOVE YOU (your name here.)
Okay .. so who is with me? All you have to do is say I LOVE YOU (your name here) every single day while looking in the mirror or in the camera if you are recording yourself. I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU RECORD! This is a journey you will want to document and look back on! After you say that ... talk about how it makes you feel to say that out loud. Talk about any emotion that starts to come over you. Then speak positive about yourself and your life. Recite affirmations, prayers, uplifting quotes, etc. The idea is to learn to accept yourself, accept your past, forgive yourself of anything you feel needs it and at the end of 31 days hopefully you can truthfully look yourself in the eyes .. say I LOVE YOU .. and MEAN IT!
You obviously don't have to share your I LOVE ME challenge with the world like I am ... and who knows .. some days I may opt out of sharing because what came out of my mouth is just TOO personal. On those days I will still come here and write about why I'm not posting the video.
My hope in doing this is that one persons life will somehow be better. That one person that really needs SELF LOVE will come out of this truthfully loving themselves more (you can't just say it in the mirror and then spend the rest of the day hating yourself btw.)
If one person sees this little I LOVE ME challenge and decides to do it (you can start at ANY time) and comes out of it with a stronger sense of PURPOSE .. more SELF LOVE ... more SELF CONFIDENCE ... it's all worth it! Oh and I'm hoping I come out of it a better, more loving, more purposeful ME as well!
If you don't want to comment on here that you have joined this #PrepWithPurpose #ILoveMeChallenge will you maybe consider sending me an email? I'd love to know that someone out there is on board!
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