Hey Fit Fam,
I always start these with a little update on where I am in my journey. So if you don't care to read any of that and just want to get to this weeks #PrepWithPurpose .. scroll on down.
I am now less than 4 weeks out from my first show of 2017. I'm pretty nervous about how I'm going to dial in. I love my super conditioned look .. but my coach doesn't want me to dial in that way. It's not really "bikini" bodybuilding criteria and while it may "win" some shows .. it's not really the look the judges are suppose to go for. So ... we are going for a tad fuller and curvier look to kick things off and then we will just play it by ear.
It's hard on me because we (competitors) often associate the level of "lean" and "conditioned" we bring to the stage with bringing a better package. I'm having to get it OUT of my head that leaner and more conditioned doesn't equal BETTER. If that is the case .. NO .. this will NOT be my "best package to date." But if I'm aiming for BIKINI CRITERIA .. yes .. it very well may be the best me!! That is why I've been saying #V2Stacy is under construction.... it may not be my best in MY eyes .. or even some of your eyes (we all tend to like that ripped/conditioned look) ... but I"m hoping that it's what the judges are looking for! We shall see!!
Either way .. it's grind time. Macros are SLOWLY being dropped (also something very different for me), cardio has been changed to something new and I'm trying out a new "medication" for my inflammation/celiac/ibs-c. I'll be making a post on this in the future. I just started it last night and am going to give it 2 weeks before I make any post. Praying it works! My motivation stays high by having these Prep With Purpose peeps to lift up and for. If you have never heard about this little project I started a year ago you can CLICK HERE to see the original blog! This week we are lifting up and for a sweet little girl that should be outside enjoying the spring sunshine .. but instead is in a hospital fighting for her life.

Late June 27th, 2016 Paislee, was admitted to Children's Mercy Hospital for Thrombocytopenia. They wanted to run more tests as there were symptoms present that were very concerning. About 2 am that following morning they told us it was Leukemia. There were complications diagnosing her so they ran more tests, tried to get a sample of her bone marrow, and were unsuccessful so they took a piece of her bone. That Thursday, they officially diagnosed her with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). There are many subtypes to this disease and Paislee had the worst of it. Only 3% have this disease resulting in only a 50/50 chance. They started chemo immediately 3 hours a day, every 12 hours. She has developed a serious rash as a side effect to one of her chemos, has cellulitis, and fluid in her hip joint causing her leg to swell significantly. She is on an antibiotic for these things and it's helping. They have placed a feeding tube because her throat is starting to develop mucositis.
Janee has taken a leave of absence from work so she can help support Paislee during this time. Paislee will be in and out of the hospital doing treatments. The timeline for that is unknown at this time, that relies on how Paislee responds to all of her treatments and if different health levels stay normal. She has already received several blood transfusions and platelets to help with these.
Our little P is doing the best she can and has had her good and bad days. When she is fever free, she is able to cruise the halls in a little car (blue is her favorite) and has a little family of pigeons outside her window that she has named Walter and Penny (okay Janee named them) that she loves to watch.
There are fundraisers in the works, including bracelets and t-shirts that we will be getting in to help raise money. I will update everyone on those events when the dates and times are set up.
Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers and support for our family. It's overwhelming to see how loved our little warrior is! No one fights alone and she WILL beat this!

As for the most recent update on Paislee. According to her Go Fund Me Page ... as of 3/25 Paislee ... she not doing well. She was fighting 2 infections, fevers, and was at a high risk of shock. They are waiting on biopsy results to seek next steps. She is on antibiotics to hopefully clear everything up. Her family said: "Her body is working over time due to the infections. We are asking for privacy right now so our family can have time to focus on her and the situation."
Every rep and every stride I take this week will be FOR PAISLEE!! I will be grateful for my ABILITY to train as I pray for her and her family. I hope you all join me in lifting up and for this precious little girl.
Again, I do not know this family, so I can NOT vouch for their Go Fund Me Page. But as always I include and link them so that if you are led to donate .. you can. Either way lifting her up is FREE! So get to it!
If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to simplystacyfitness@yahoo.com.
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