Hey Fit Fam,
Yesterday was crazy hectic! We didn't even land in Florida until 3am!! It's going to be a long day and motivation will NO DOUBT be needed for my lift!! Not only will it be in a hotel gym (always a challenge) .. but I'm gonna need all the MegaWatt (pre workout) in the world to get me going! But I've gotta get it done ... I've got another show on the books. Wait .. what .. did I say I picked another show :) Mayyybeeeee ....more on that coming soon!
Not only did I get NO sleep last night .. I've really not had much sleep at all this week! Especially Thursday night. I wanted to get up early yesterday so I could eat my first meal and let my food digest before getting an early training session in! It was my longest lower body day of the week .. so had to get it done before traveling all day/night and I had to do it after a FULL meal .. not just a 1st Phorm Phormula 1 shake like I often do before HIIT cardio. (If ya wanna know more on why I eat FULL meals before training or more about 1st phorm, etc., feel free to EMAIL ME.)
Anyway .. back to landing at 3am. We were suppose to leave for the airport around 2:45 yesterday .. but found out like 30 min before we were about to walk out the door .. that our flight was delayed by two hours. Then we get another alert .. surprise .. it's early! So we had to rush out the door and made it just in time to get to Florida to see our friends get married.
Speaking of Florida ... that is where today's PREP WITH PURPOSE person lives! I find that kinda ironic :) Instead of in Vegas .. I'll be in Florida lifting him up in the state where he lives. No matter where you are ... I hope you join me today in lifting up and for Joey Gube and his family!
Prep With Purpose -- July 23, 2016: Joey Gube

Joey Gube got the greatest blessing ... and the biggest heartbreak ... all within days of each other. He and his wife had a beautiful/healthy little girl.... this is actually his 3rd daughter :) But near the same time ... Joey was diagnosed with cancer. He can't walk .. or do much for himself and is now undergoing treatment despite being given a grave outcome from doctors.
Cancer has hit his family before. His little girls actually lost their mother to cancer a few years ago. Now their dad has it too? Can you imagine what they must be thinking/feeling?! So young .. so confused?! My heart just breaks thinking about it.
To make all of this even worse, apparently their medical insurance somehow got cancelled and they didn't know ... so here he is .. paying out of pocket .. with a new baby .. a family ... plus fighting the fight of his life .... C A N C E R.
As I struggle with my lift/energy today .. I'll think of Joey and his struggle. I will not complain. I will lift in his honor .. thankful that I have a healthy and able body. My exhaustion is so temporary, it's so petty, it's so silly when I think about how exhausted his body and mind must be.
Today is for you Joey. I hope you and your sweet family feel the love.
hope you are joining me on this PREP WITH PURPOSE journey! If you are
... please post/share and use the hashtag #PrepWithPurpose! Let's get a
huge prayer chain going and in the process maybe make the sport of
bodybuilding less about "me, me, me" and a little more about helping
others! Our motivation doesn't have to come from ONLY ourselves!
If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to simplystacyfitness@yahoo.com.
If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to simplystacyfitness@yahoo.com.
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