For backstory on what #PrepWithPurpose is all about please read the blog entry and/or Instagram Post.
Hey Friends,
I have no words.I actually have a lot of them but I am sort of having a hard time finding the right ones to say/write. Either way this is going to have to be a much quicker post than usual and isn't exactly a Prep With Purpose post .. however I will address that below!! Read on :)
Okay .. here goes. My attempt at a "the short of it" entry about this weekend.
If you saw any of my social media posts Friday/Saturday then you know that I got 1st Call Outs at Team Universe and was placed dead center and never moved in both Open and Masters (that is good and TYPICALLY indicates 1st or 2nd place) on Friday night!!! Bug you just NEVER know ... so I didn't know the outcome until Saturday night at Finals! That means I had to spend all night Friday ... all day Saturday .. all night Saturday .. on pins and needles wondering my placement!! Was I .. or was I not ... walking away a PROFESSIONAL athlete in the sport of bikini bodybuilding?!?! Either way I was ELATED with 1st call outs (times two) and so very grateful for such great placement in BOTH my classes at such a HUGE/MAJOR pro-qualifier!!!
BUT .... WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!! I am a freaking IFBB Bikini PRO .. times two!! The times two doesn't change anything or make my pro status any bigger or better .. haha .. it's just really cool!!! It simply means I earned my pro card in BOTH the class that I entered (35+) and Open (all ages.) Then I ended up winning the Overall Masters Bikini Champion title -- which was just icing on the cake!!!! Ahhh .. again . someone PINCH ME!!!! Two 1st place class wins .. meaning I earned Pro status twice ... and an OVERALL BIKINI TITLE .. WHAT?!?! You guys .. I placed like 7th in Masters and like 13th in Open at THIS SAME SHOW last year! For the rest of the season I had Top 10 Placements (One 4th Place in Masters) .. but never cracked the Top 5 in OPEN!!!
NEVER GIVE UP!!!! I thought it was NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!! From 2nd and 3rd call outs .. to WINNING BOTH MY CLASSES and the OVERALL Masters title!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! NEVER GIVE UP ON A DREAM!! You just have to trust that when it's YOUR time .. it will happen. Until then it just means it's someone elses time!!
Right now I'm kinda waiting for it all to sink in? Someone else that is a pro ... tell me when it does?!?! Because this feels so NOT real!!! We had the IFBB Photo Shoot this morning and that made it seem a little more real!! I'll be flooding all my social media with plenty of pics this week!! So you can find all the pics there!
I still feel like I'm just in a total state of SHOCK!! As for what is next .. I have no clue!! For now I am sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight back to Vegas .... eating leftover cold sirloin steak, green beans and sweet potato. Yup .. that is what I'm eating. Measured out and everything! No "post binge" or "post cheat" for me. If that is YOUR thing ... THEN DO YOU!! But I've learned new methods that make me HAPPY and HEALTHIER year round that I really enjoy!! What did I "eat" post show (since that is always the magic question) .. well I ate in moderation last night and nothing unhealthy at all!! It was grilled chicken, veggies and rice from a local healthy food chain and a few bites of some samples of protein bars I picked up at the show for desert, haha. Today I'm eating all my leftover food I brought with me to Jersey and didn't finish. Some people may think that isn't me "enjoying my win" or that I am being too strict. But this is a lifestyle for me and that is the cool thing about Flexible Dieting .. you rarely have cravings!! Now .. that said .... I may have a "loosely tracked" day tomorrow (4th of July) with my husband and pop a bottle of champagne we have been saving for like 3 years for a VERY special occasion!!!! That isn't something I'd normally "allow" myself to do .. but on occasion :) I'd never just say "screw it" and eat whatever I want without at least attempting to track or in the least .. be mindful. I almost felt OUT of place when I was the only person NOT eating cookies and candy at the photo shoot today. But then I remembered that I had candy last week ... on prep .. and could have it today if I wanted to make it fit. But I didn't cause I didn't want it or feel the need to eat it "just cause it's there." I am VERY proud of everything my coach Layne Norton has taught me and how healthy and happy he has kept me for the past year! Because of a very successful reverse diet that started in November and lasted until 4 weeks ago .. I stayed within 4 pounds of my stage weight, had VERY minimal fat gain and only did a 3 week (plus peak week) prep for Team U!! Also ... only a total of 36 min's of cardio a WEEK (and that was when I officially went on prep. Before that it was just 24) .. no water or sodium depletion . ALL NATURAL, etc!! BOOM! #TeamScience baby!!! Some people may say I didn't work as hard as them .. nope .. sorry .. not true. Reverse dieting IS hard. It took a long time to learn this kind of year round self control approach . but it's been SO worth it because it's something I will take with me and use the rest of my life!
Anyway .. PREP WITH PURPOSE will continue TOMORROW! Am I prepping for a show??? I don't know .. maybe .. maybe not? Right
now I'm going to follow the advice that so many pros gave me last night
and SOAK THIS MOMENT IN FOR A DAY OR TWO!! I'll see what my body, my heart and the good Lord tells me .. then I will decide what is next!!
In the meantime .. today I will continue as I did Friday and Saturday for Prep With Purpose .. my heart and mind will be focused on EVERYONE that motivated me to earn this pro status!! This win .. it was for you too guys!!
I hope more of you join me on #PrepWithPurpose in the coming days! I have found it to be such a fulfilling project. I hope you do too :)
Again .. WE did it!! THANK YOU ALL for your love and support!!
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