Hey Friends,
I dreaded yesterday SO BAD! I'm not a cardio girl and THANK GOD my coach doesn't believe in excess cardio .. but yesterday I had to do 4 extra rounds of HIIT. It's hot out and field sprints are my personal choice .. so I just dreaded it so much. But I swear .. it's SO EASY when your focus is shifted from yourself to someone else! I can remember a time when I'd be saying "pro card, pro card, pro card -- me vs me, me vs me, me vs me -- abs, lean legs, abs, lean legs" over and over in my head when I wanted to give up. But now .. I say someone's name. Someone that needs thoughts/prayer for physical healing. I push because the person I'm thinking of that day IS NOT able and I AM! I lift them up and I get moving in honor of them and I'm telling ya .. it's made a world of difference mentally .. which has translated to a world of difference physically!
Yesterday I ran for little Brylee who recently had to have her left leg amputated. I mean .. I have TWO WORKING LEGS .. why the heck should I complain about running!
Moving on now to Day 21 of PREP WITH PURPOSE! This time next week I'll be preparing for FINALS at Team Universe. Pre-Judging is the day before, so by this time next week I will already have an idea of placement. If I make Top 5 on Friday .. I'll be feeling on top of the world and preparing for the stage again Saturday night .. knowing I possibly stand a chance at that hard earned Pro Card. If not .. I'll still be on track to hit the stage ( but to just wave at the crowd, lol) and be relaxing a little more and just enjoying my time with my friend Laura who is flying into New Jersey to be with me for the weekend. Either way .. when I get on stage .. it won't be just for me. It will be for the DOZENS of people I have lifted up and lifted for over the past 4 weeks! Thank you to those of you that are reading and joining me in thinking of or praying for these people. Giving back .. doing good .. being kind .. it feels so good, doesn't it?
Okay....so today's "person" actually isn't a PERSON at all ... it's a dog. This is my project and if I
want to lift for one of our four-legged-friends ... then I will :) For many people (myself included) our pets ARE our family/children. That is the case for Sissy's mom Jessica. I met Jessica years ago when I was an Entertainment Reporter at Fox in Nashville. I saw on her socials that her dog/best friend/child needs BIG TIME prayers. So that is what we are doing! Also .. she has some friends in some not so "low places" (hint hint) that are helping her in her efforts to raise money for Sissy's treatments. She has some pretty sweet concert tickets she is auctioning off -- Details below!
Prep With Purpose -- Day Twenty-One: #SavingSissy

Meet Jessica and her fur baby Sissy. Sissy has cancer. To be specific ... she has a tumor in her thyroid that has entangled itself around important veins and nerves.
Sissy was scheduled to have the tumor removed a while back, but due to it's location, etc., the doctors decided that it would not be best and now the only option is a VERY expensive treatment called Stereotactic Radiosurgery. It's almost 10k and her fur mom is doing everything she can to raise the money to have this done so that she can rid her little baby of cancer and give her more years of life!
Today when I do my HIIT session I will be running for little Sissy. I mean...running is one of a dogs favorite things to do and her cancer may keep her from doing that if she doesn't heal!! So with every stride I will push myself for Sissy (and her sweet mama Jessica.) Maybe it's because most PEOPLE simply .. suck .. but animals that are sick/hurt just get me extra upset. I look over at my sweet Stella and simply CAN NOT imagine what Jessica is going through. Our stories are so similar (work from home, spend all our time with our dog, dog becomes more than a fur child and best friend because of that, etc.)

Also .... the timing of having a fur friend as our "person" of the day is pretty perfect. It was exactly ONE YEAR ago yesterday that my fur baby Gizmo was diagnosed with a sudden illness that ultimately took him from us just one month later. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I lost my little old man. I miss him every single day :(
OKAY ... so what about this fundraiser for Sissy. Because Jessica is very well known and established in the country music media world .. her friends in NOT SO LOW places are giving her two prime tickets to see ... GARTH BROOKS in Vegas on July 4th!! Hmmm .. I fly back in town on July 3rd. Maybe I need to buy some chances! I've seen Garth in concert a few times and let me tell ya .. there is nothing like it! He is a great guy, great performer and THESE tickets are for a GREAT cause!! So what are you waiting for .. buy your chances!! Hey .. I may even invite you over to my house for a pool party before hand if you win :) :)

$5 = 1 entries
$10 = 3 entries
$20 = 8 entries
$50 = 25 entries
$100 = 60 entries
Lets do this! Let's lift up Sissy and Jessica in our thoughts/prayers today and help her raise enough money to get her fur baby the treatment she needs!
I hope you are joining me on this prayer journey as I prep for #TeamU on July 1st & 2nd! If you are please post/share and use the hashtag #PrepWithPurpose! Let's get a huge prayer chain going and in the process maybe make the sport of bodybuilding less about "me, me, me" and a little more about helping others! Our motivation doesn't have to come from ONLY ourselves!
If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to simplystacyfitness@yahoo.com.
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