For backstory on what #PrepWithPurpose is all about please read the blog entry and/or Instagram Post.
Hey Friends ...
I have check-ins with my coach on Wednesdays and they went great. I of course am being ridiculously hard on myself. But he must think I'm doing just fine. He is still keeping all my Macros the same and not increasing cardio. Scary ... since I'm 2 weeks and 2 days (yesterday) out from stage!!!TRUST THE PROCESS STACY ... that is on repeat these days, lol.
Other than that .. yesterday was just a crazy, hectic, stressful day. I can't pack. LITERALLY CAN NOT. I am horrible at it. I've tried every method, every strategy, every .. everything. Add packing not only food .. but FOOD FOR 2 WEEK OUT CONTEST PREP .. and it's a triple threat. I spent all day planning meals for FOUR days, cooking, packing foods the best I can with limited bags, trying to decide what to take in order to be able to eat everything, trying to decide what to wear for all the festivities over the weekend, etc. It literally makes me a crazy person. I'm glad it's over with.
Today starts early in order to get my workout in so that I can get everything done and get on a flight to St. Louis for 1st Phorm Summer Smash....then the day will end late. My flight doesn't even LAND until after midnight! It's going to be a great weekend .. but sleep will NOT be on the agenda. So pray my body doesn't react negatively and I am able to stay on track!
Enough about me ... (I only add these little updates in because this is kind of a prep journal for me and many of you ask me to update you) .. on to PREP WITH PURPOSE!!!
A friend of mine sent me today's person we will pray for/lift for/remember in our thoughts. We are not going to include a picture today (for privacy reasons.)
#PrepWithPurpose -- Day Twelve: Janice
Today we are praying for a woman that simply thought she was just exhausted .. but two days later found out she had cancer. Please join me in praying for Janice and her entire family as doctors are not optimistic that she has more than a couple months to live. My lift will be in honor of Janice. My strength to push myself will come from her .. BECAUSE I CAN!!! My body is able and I will not take this for granted!
Janice is in her early 40's. Last month noticed she felt a little more tired than usual so she went in for some routine blood work. She was very anemic and her primary care doctor ordered a colonoscopy. Two days later she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer. Can you even imagine? In the PRIME of your life .. just feeling a little exhausted (aren't we all) ... and find out you not only have cancer .. but STAGE FOUR cancer in two parts of your body?!
Janice is married and has two children in high school. This is obviously a shock and devastation to not only her .. but her entire family. None of them are handling it well.
I am told she is doing chemo treatments... but doctors are not optimistic at all. In fact, they are giving her only a couple of months to live. BUT ... I am told she is a fighter and staying strong!
I hope Janice and her family can feel our thoughts and prayers today! While doctors may medically give her very little hope ... we know that God sometimes has other plans!!! STAY STRONG JANICE!!!!
I hope you are joining me on this prayer journey as I prep for #TeamU on July 1st & 2nd! If you are please post/share and use the hashtag #PrepWithPurpose! Let's get a huge prayer chain going and in the process maybe make the sport of bodybuilding less about "me, me, me" and a little more about helping others! Our motivation doesn't have to come from ONLY ourselves!
If you know anyone that needs urgent or ongoing prayer for any physical reason please email me all the information and a picture (or a few) to
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