Time is running out to get your favorite fit friend or loved one that perfect gift! But you don't have to waste time wracking your brain! I am taking the guesswork out of it for you! Here is a great gift guide for the health addict, fitness lover, gym-goer, or foodie in your life!
I can not believe (as of Dec 10th) it is 14 days until Christmas Eve!! Only 15 sleeps until I will wake up to the aroma of homemade sausage balls and cinnamon rolls at my mamas house in East Tennessee!!!! I posted a blog just before Thanksgiving on how to attempt to (semi) stay on track during these calorie filled parties and trips "home for the holidays" ... check it out if you need a few pointers! (I can't promise I practice everything I preach, lol.) But first thing is first ... let's get all those gifts purchased and under the tree!Last year I made a Merry FITmas Gift Guide and it was one of my most popular blogs of the year! So I decided to do it again this year! Some of the items will be repeats because I just love those products so much and think everyone should have them (lol) but I also have some new items for you on this years 2015 Merry FITmas Gift Guide list!!
Feel free to check last years blog CLICK HERE. But a lot of the info is old. Read on to see what I recommend you buy the fit guy or gal in your life THIS Christmas!!! I put a few *** next to my "top items" in case you need a little extra help!
Eat Clean. Train Dirty.
FITmas Gift #1 - VersaGrips (***)
These are my #1 must have in my gym bag! There are tons of products like this out here. Don't skimp and get the cheap ones -- these are THE BEST! I have Versa Grip Pro ... in pink :)
FITmas Gift #2 - Protein/Supplements

You guys know I'm all about some 1st Phorm supplements! And nooooo I"m NOT just saying that because I'm a 1st Phorm sponsored athlete! I was a fan well before I joined the "Phamily" :) You can't go wrong with anything on their site! Protein, Pre-Workout, Sleep Aids, Workout gear, etc. The new Booty Scrunch 1st Phorm pants are my current fave! To see a FULL LIST of my 1st Phorm faves just visit the 1st Phorm link on the homepage here on the blog!!! Also protein bars make great stocking stuffers!!! My favorite ones right now are Fit Crunch (that new birthday cake though .. mmmm), Quest, Oh Yeah ONE (birthday cake if you can find it and if not lemon cake .. trust me on this one .. I don't even like lemon, lol) and NuGo bars! I like NuGo because they have one that only has 10g of Protein. GREAT for those of us that have no problem reaching our protein goals and can't have anymore!
FITMas Gift #3 - The gift of ENERGY!! (***)
Got a coffee lover in your life? I've discovered a NEW coffee that has been a GAME CHANGER in our family! It's a low acid coffee from NATURAL GRADE NUTRITION. The way that it is made makes it LOW ACID .. which means those with sensitive stomachs, ulcers, digestive problems, or those that just like to drink A LOT of coffee can drink ALL THEY WANT and have no tummy troubles!!! You can read all about it on their webpage www.naturalgradenutrition.com -- that is where you can also buy full size and samples! Also it just tastes SO GOOD! My husband (who normally uses tons of creamer and stevia) uses MUCH less with this coffee! Make sure and use the code MCCLOUDNGN20 for a discount! That is my gift to YOU!!!
FITMas Gift #4 - TEA TIME!! Many people prefer TEA over COFFEE. Tea has a laundry list of health benefits depending what type you choose. So this is a GREAT gift and should be a daily staple in your fit friends life! But don't buy just ANY tea!! Have you ever heard of TeaBox?! It's such a cool site with SO MANY awesome tea gift ideas! Use the links and codes below for discounts!
http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=Ry2lBGr*60M&offerid=392676.40&type=3&subid=0">10% off at Teabox.com with code DEC10
http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=Ry2lBGr*60M&offerid=392676.41&type=3&subid=0">Up to 20% off Christmas Gifts + 30% off select Collections - No code needed
There are a gazillion kinds, gadgets and gizmos, lol. Do your own research as to which one is best for YOUR fitness friend. I like a basic firm foam roller (with no nubs, etc.) But I have been stalking the Rad Roller webpage and have several things I want! Once I get a few (or my santa maybe gets me some) .. I'll let you know if they are worth it! This kinda goes along with the stretch gift above. These are things you can do at home in ADDITION to getting stretched by a professional!
FITmas Gift #6 - Ankle Straps - Same as above. Also found some great ones on Amazon! I put a very specific pair that really help isolate the glutes on my FITmas list .. if I got them I'll make sure and do a review!!! Hint..hint to my santa!!
FITmas Gift #7 - Home Gym Equipment
This could be as extreme as some amazing cardio equipment (I'd prefer something like a step mill or arc trainer from my santa), to some type of complete gym system, set of barbells, or free weights! It could also be more simple like a set of resistance bands, an over the door pull up bar, a medicine or bosu ball, and/or a small set of weights and a bench! It real depends on what they have room for and how much they will actually use it. Always take that into consideration! My husband got me a NuFit set up last year (seen in the picture) and it is AMAZING! You can find gym equipment everywhere ... amazon, craigslist, ebay, etc.
FITmas Gift #8 - Meal Prep Gadgets - Check out the favorite things tab of my blog. I have a few of my favorite "as seen on tv" finds that save me a ton of time when meal prepping! There are tons of things out there that can make meal prep easier and any fit fam will appreciate this one for sure! One trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond or The Container Store and you will find tons of stuff! Aside from the ones list in my blog ... a few other good things could be a microwave chip maker, quality cookware, quality spiralizer (not the cheap hand held one I have under my as seen on tv. it works but get a nice one.) a nija to make protein ice cream, and a nice waffle maker, etc!
FITmas Gift #9 - Tiger Balm
BEST stocking stuffer, ever! lol! This stuff is a lifesaver if you have any type of muscle ache/strain/pain. You can usually find it at drugstores or of course online!
FITmas Gift #10 - Meal Prep Bags (Like FitMark or 6 Pack) (***)

If your fitness lover doesn't have one of these...this is a MUST. What type of bag you get will need to be based on their day-to-day life. I like the tote and backpack. But the purses and briefcase styles are good too. The basic food bags are great too, especially for travel when you need to take extra food, but I like things that can function as a "two-in-one" so I'm not carrying a gazillion different bags! You can get these on the product webpages or in most supplement stores!
FITmas Gift #11 - Fitness Magazine Subscription or Fitness Books - Don't just reach for the tear outs inside of magazines just yet. Check and see what deals that have .. but you can also find better deals sometimes on webpages (even amazon). Who wouldn't want a year of Muscle & Fitness, Fitness RX, Oxygen, Women's Health, Mens Health, Self, etc!!
FITmas Gift #12 - Massage - I have a new guy that has been my SAVING GRACE!!! If you live in the Middle TN area call William Edge Salon Nashville and get a gift certificate! When they book .. he is currently the only guy they have!
If you don't live in Nashville or are looking for a stocking stuffer steal .. Groupon has some AWESOME massage "deals" right now. Just be careful cause you often get what you pay for!
FITMas Gift #13 -- STRETCH!!! As great as a massage is ... it's likely that your fitness lover needs a really good (and very specific kind) of stretch! This can NOT be achieved during a massage or chiropractor session. I sometimes spend TWO HOURS with my stretch therapist!!! Since going to Randy Hite for Fascial Stretch Therapy my lifts have been so much better and my body just feels different!!! Not to mention being stretched regularly REALLY helped my posing this past competition season!!! I can NOT vouch for ANY other therapist other than Randy. So if you are anywhere in the mid state area please use him. Also if you mention my name I bet he will give you some special treatment! Maybe a discount or a longer stretch session :) Trust me on this one ... it's the best gift you could give someone! Search for this in the search box on my homepage. I did a full review!
FITmas Gift #14 - Workout Clothes - There are ENDLESS options for this. You can find awesome stuff at places like TJ Maxx (90% of my workout shorts/pants come from there) or you can go all out and hit up places like Reebok, Lululemon, Nike, Under Armour, Sweaty Betty, or Athleta. But there are tons of other great sites out there. Instagram has been a great place for me to find some fitness swag! I am IN LOVE with Celestial Bodiez Booty Scrunch pants!!!
Here are a couple other of great sites for workout gear .. just follow the links!!
Treat someone with a Sweaty Betty gift card and let them discover their perfect gift
**Updated** Sweaty Betty is having a 50% off sale and if you order by 12/16 you will get by Christmas!!! Just CLICK HERE and order from this link to get 50% off!
FITmas Gift #15 - Custom Nikes - Find out their size and go to work on the webpage! It's fun and makes a great/thoughtful gift! Just make sure you are getting the right size! However last year my husband accidentally hit the wrong size and even though they were custom -- we still got to return them!
FITmas Gift #16 - Gym Bag - Amazon and sports stores are great for finding good gym bags. Ebags has a ton of great ones at discount prices as well. Or you could double up on this one and make it a 6pack or FitMark gym back ... they have several that double up as a gym bag!
FITmas Gift #17 - Gym/Class Membership - I may be a little bias but I would suggest a monthly membership to Hot Box if they are in/near Nashville! This is the best cardio "workout" combo around! It is a very "HIIT" style cardio/workout because of the "style" and no two instructors or classes are the same. I usually go once a week .. sometimes more just because I love it SO MUCH! They also have yoga, strength/bootcamp style classes AND a small gym .. so you really get your moneys worth! If you are around Murfreesboro I suggest Olympus for a gym. It's a true WORKOUT facility! You can also check out some of the more trendier fitness fads. Ones I suggest are The Sweat Box (review coming soon) and the Transformat10n Lab for a one time or even monthly body fat evaluation. Search for this in the search box .... I did a great review!
FITmas Gift #18 - Fitness Tracker
Let me start by saying that the new smart trackers that don't have a chest strap, but have all the other gadgets we all want (music, texting, etc), are NEVER going to be AS accurate as a fitness based watch with a chest strap. That said ... I just don't want to wear one and I also WANT some of those "extras" that the smart watches have! To be able to put my phone in my bag and control my music, my timers, glance at my texts, etc., from my wrist -- that is a big deal! The FitBit Surge was on my list this year! But there are TONS of them out there!!!
FITmas Gift #19 - Spray Tan Package - Because we all know that muscles look better when you are tanned and that tanning beds are bad, bad, bad :) So give them that (kinda) stage glow all year long!
FITmas Gift #20 - Bluetooth Headphones - Aside from my VersaGrips .. this is my other MUST in my gym bag. It's actually #1. There are ALWAYS great deals on Amazon and EBay! People ask me all the time what brand I use. Honestly .. I just get the ones that are a deal on Amazon or Groupon. I've gone through a few pairs so I"m not sure this is the best route to take. But I think mine are Jay Freedom (brand). I like the ones with a flexible cord .. not the hard shell like cord that fits around the head! Throw in an iTunes gift card with it .. boom! Great gift!
FITmas Gift #21 - A Christmas Miracle :) (***)
Maybe not a miracle .. but a virtually ZERO CARB pasta sure sounds like one doesn't it?! Yup .. you read that right! Sure it's not the real thing but the texture is so close with the right recipe .. you will not miss the real stuff! I am OBSESSED with Miracle Noodles because I can have them and ALSO have some sort of carb filled side (like bread, lol) as my carb source! I signed up for the MONTHLY delivery because you get a pretty good discount. I eat them so often it works great for me! The best part is you can go in at ANY time and skip a shipment or schedule it for a new date ... for no extra charge! Use the link below to check them out and get a discount!
FITmas Gift #22 - Squat Sponge
This is the newest addition to my gym bag and I AM OBSESSED!! If you follow me on SnapChat (Please do .. it's StacyMcCloud) you probably have wondered what it is. Just like the weight belt ... the sponge on the squat rack is filled with someone elses yucky sweat. BUT I didn't buy this guy for that reason. I bought it so that I could properly do my glute thrusts and bridges with no pain! No more rolled up gym mat ... that is what THIS GUY is made for!!! It's small enough to fit in my (very stuffed) bag and is comfy for squats and a LIFESAVER for glute work!
This is the newest addition to my gym bag and I AM OBSESSED!! If you follow me on SnapChat (Please do .. it's StacyMcCloud) you probably have wondered what it is. Just like the weight belt ... the sponge on the squat rack is filled with someone elses yucky sweat. BUT I didn't buy this guy for that reason. I bought it so that I could properly do my glute thrusts and bridges with no pain! No more rolled up gym mat ... that is what THIS GUY is made for!!! It's small enough to fit in my (very stuffed) bag and is comfy for squats and a LIFESAVER for glute work!
FITmas Gift #23 -- Essential Oils (***)
Okay guys. So I've been using DoTerra for a year now. I have VERY specific oils that I use for EVER ailment I could possibly think of, lol. There are some very specific ones for sore muscles, massage, sleep, allergies, cold/flu, depression, meditation, gut health, immune system, etc. I'd LOVE to help you find the right oils for you or your loved one, but since it's pretty individual it's best to EMAIL ME and I'll tell you what/how to buy! simplystacy@ymail.com -- shipping is SUPER fast!
Okay guys. So I've been using DoTerra for a year now. I have VERY specific oils that I use for EVER ailment I could possibly think of, lol. There are some very specific ones for sore muscles, massage, sleep, allergies, cold/flu, depression, meditation, gut health, immune system, etc. I'd LOVE to help you find the right oils for you or your loved one, but since it's pretty individual it's best to EMAIL ME and I'll tell you what/how to buy! simplystacy@ymail.com -- shipping is SUPER fast!
FITmas Gift #24 -- Fitness Jewelry
Two of my favorites are Shields Of Strength and Dumbbell Jewelry! They both have Instagram pages ... just type those names in the search box! I LOVE my Shields Of Strength barbell necklace and my Dumbbell Jewelry little dainty silver dumbbell ring .. I wear it everyday! Plus the lady over Dumbbell Jewelry has a kick ass story and is an awesome chick. So go show her some love!
Two of my favorites are Shields Of Strength and Dumbbell Jewelry! They both have Instagram pages ... just type those names in the search box! I LOVE my Shields Of Strength barbell necklace and my Dumbbell Jewelry little dainty silver dumbbell ring .. I wear it everyday! Plus the lady over Dumbbell Jewelry has a kick ass story and is an awesome chick. So go show her some love!
FITmas Gift #25 -- Weight Belt - This is a gym bag essential!! Not only is the belt at the gym likely going to already be taken, but it's just gross to use a sweaty belt other people have been using, lol! I found mine on Amazon! You just have to have an idea of your fit friends waist size!
This is just a little list to get you started! There are so many FITmas gifts out there! Us fit chicks really are the easiest to buy for :) MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!!!
This is just a little list to get you started! There are so many FITmas gifts out there! Us fit chicks really are the easiest to buy for :) MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL!!!
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