THIS is what my gym looked like this afternoon. EMPTY on this very 1st day of 2015!! I'm kind of not complaining .. considering that getting in a workout is going to be nearly impossible for the next 6 weeks :-/
I get it .. a new year .. a new you .. a fresh start. There is NOTHING wrong with that. Some people need that "clean slate" approach to get themselves going. But why would you want to wait for one specific day of the year to make a decision about your health, when there are 364 other perfectly great days available to you? If people simply had the mindset that they are getting healthy as a LIFESTYLE (a body for life) and not as some resolution ... maybe this room would have been full today!!
The bottom line is that most people make a "resolution" and have the wrong mindset. They jump on board some 30 day weight loss gimmick they have found on pinterest, some mass marketed plan that is making millions of dollars because any "jane or john" can sell it and make money (I won't mention the names, ha), some dvd that will end up covered with dust in 3 months, or spend hundreds of dollars on a gym trainer that cares more about making money and getting you to sign some contract than your overall long term health, etc. Exactly why the MAJORITY of people fail at "resolutions". In fact .. research shows that February 18th is the day that most people will give up! That makes me so sad :-(
The truth is that resolutions usually don't stick. I've made them in the past and I can NEVER remember sticking to one all year. You are making a self-promise to change something (with good intentions), but often you are making unrealistic expectations ... which means they will be impossible to keep! Maybe you shouldn't make a resolution at all? Am I telling you not to eat better or exercise in 2015? Of course not!!! Start the new year with these good intentions, but be sure and go about everything with a SLOW & STEADY approach. Don't say "I will lose x amount of pounds by x date". Take baby steps, make small changes everyday, be consistent and don't beat yourself up if you fall off. Get right back up the next day and go!!! Set yourself up for success .. not failure. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Eat Clean. Train Dirty.
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