On this ONE day every year - so many people focus on what they DON'T have. But really .. who cares if you don't have a Valentine .... there are so many simple reasons to be happy!!! I wrote up a few that came to ind last night. Some are serious, some are funny!! I hope you enjoy!!
Be happy because …
- You woke up this morning. That's a pretty darn good start.
- Someone loves you. Likely more than one. But you get the idea.
- You have dreams. Maybe you are living them, maybe you are following them, maybe you are just thinking about them. But you have them.
- We live in a free Country.
- We live in a more accepting world than our parents. Equality is within reach.
- You are not a tree. If you don't like where you are - you can MOVE!
- You have safe drinking water.
- You have hot water to take a nice bath/shower.
- You have shelter.
- Even if it's ramen ... you can afford 3 meals a day.
- You have made a bad decision (or two, or ten) and are still here!
- For every bad headline .. there is at least one good one.
- No matter how much you are struggling - Most of you reading this are "rich". In fact, you are ridiculously rich, richer than you think. WORLD statistics say that if you earn $10,000 a year, you are in the top 13% of the world’s richest people. If you earn more than $50,000, you are in the top 0.98%….
- Someone, somewhere - at this moment - just saved a life by adopting a fur baby.
- Someone, somewhere - just heard their baby cry for the first time.
- Someone, somewhere - just lost a friend, spouse, parent, child. Be grateful if you have yours.
- If you still have your parents. You are more blessed than many.
- If you still have your grandparents. You are more blessed than MOST.
- You have at least ONE good friend. That is all you need. Really, it is.
- If you are reading this … you have the gift of site.
- So what if you didn't find a parking place! You have legs that work!!!!
- You are typing? Then you have hands and arms that function!!
- You aren't in jail.
- You are unique. No one else can be YOU.
- Look outside - - look at all that beauty that surrounds you. That's free.
- We have access to tons of great MUSIC!! Much of it is free!
- You have purpose.
- Hurting? Good .. you can feel pain.
- There are medical researchers - right now - at this moment .. finding a cure.
- You got a good nights sleep.
- If you didn't .. there is always Starbucks.
- Baby zoo animals…..and webcams that allow us to stalk their every cute little move.
- Sunrises.
- Sunsets.
- If you are an organ donor. You will one day save lives.
- YEARS of dedication are paying off! At this moment .. Dozens of Gold, Silver and Bronze metals are being handed out at the Olympics!
- Technology allows us to SEE loved ones, in real time, from miles away.
- Social Media!!!
- Old photographs.
- Precious memories.
- You had clean warm clothes to put on this morning.
- You HAVE impacted someones life. Maybe even saved one - ya never know?
- All this valentines day candy and flowers will go on sale - like 50 to 75% off - no later than Sunday!!
- Something fabulous is taking shape for you and you don't even know it.
- Jesus turned water into wine. Enough said.
- God is pretty darn good, huh?
- We are forgiven!
- Even if you think everyone else hates you - Just remember … God thought you were worth dying for!!
- If you want it gone. Tattoos are now reversible, haha.
- You're single - ENJOY IT!
- You're taken/married - CHERISH IT!
- We live in one of the safest Countries in the world. Yay USA!!
- You may have been through a lot of sh*$ … but you made it didn't ya?!
- You can dance (right now) if you want to :) :)
- If one door closes - another one will open! Wait for it!
- Goodness always triumphs evil in the end.
- Karma is real.
- You are ABLE!!
- You are in charge of how you feel. No one else.
- You were born with the ability to change someones life.
- Make-up (enough said .. right ladies)
- If you delight yourself in the Lord - he shall give you the desires of your heart.
- YOU ARE NOT ALONE! HE is everywhere :) If you feel alone today, take a moment to inhale - exhale - and feel His presence! As much as we all desire LOVE … in the end … HIS love really is all we need!!!
There are so many more - but I was free writing and these are the ones that popped in my head! Comment and add your own!!
"Enjoy the little things. For one day you will realize they were big things"
Happy Valentines Day!
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